Mochinut Recipe

Discover the perfect mochinut recipe – a symphony of sweet flavors and chewy perfection. Dive into homemade bliss with our step-by-step guide!



  • Cuisine: Asian
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 10
  • Calories: 120 calories

Mochinuts, a delightful fusion of traditional Japanese mochi and classic doughnuts, offer a unique and chewy twist to the beloved sweet treat. The core of these delectable morsels lies in the use of glutinous rice flour, providing that distinctive chewiness that sets them apart from conventional doughnuts. The addition of mashed sweet potatoes not only enhances the flavor but also contributes to the soft and moist texture.

Preparing mochinuts is a relatively quick and straightforward process. Mixing glutinous rice flour, sugar, water, and mashed sweet potatoes creates a batter that forms the foundation of these treats. The dough is then dropped into hot oil, where it transforms into golden-brown delights. A final touch of mochiko (sweet rice flour) coating adds a subtle sweetness and a pleasing outer texture.

These Asian-inspired goodies perfectly balance the sweet and chewy components, making them an ideal indulgence for those seeking a novel dessert experience. Whether enjoyed with a cup of tea or as a standalone treat, mochinuts offer a delightful journey for the taste buds, showcasing the beauty of blending different culinary traditions.

So, dive into the world of mochinuts and savor the delightful marriage of textures and flavors in every bite.


Dive into the irresistible world of homemade mochinuts! Elevate your taste buds with this chewy delight – a fusion of tradition and sweet innovation. Indulge now!


  • 1 cup glutinous rice flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup mashed sweet potatoes
  • 1/4 cup mochiko (sweet rice flour) for dusting
  • Oil for frying

Method Instructions

  1. Combine glutinous rice flour, sugar, water, and mashed sweet potatoes in a bowl. Mix until smooth.
  2. Heat oil in a deep pan to 350°F (175°C).
  3. Scoop spoonfuls of the batter and drop them into the hot oil. Fry until golden brown.
  4. Remove the mochinuts and let them drain on paper towels.
  5. Roll the mochinuts in mochiko while still warm for a nice coating.

Recipe Video


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Mochinuts can be served in various delightful ways, adding a touch of creativity to your presentation. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Plain and Simple: Serve mochinuts on a plate as they are, allowing the natural flavors and textures to shine. They're great for enjoying with a cup of hot tea or coffee.
  • Dusted with Powdered Sugar or Cocoa: Sprinkle a bit of powdered sugar or cocoa over the mochinuts for an elegant finish. This adds a touch of sweetness and enhances their visual appeal.
  • Dipping Sauces: Consider serving mochinuts with dipping sauces like chocolate ganache, caramel, or fruit compote. This adds an extra layer of flavor and allows for a customizable experience.
  • Ice Cream Pairing: Create a delightful dessert by pairing mochinuts with your favorite ice cream. The contrast of warm mochinuts and cold ice cream is a heavenly combination.
  • Fruit Garnish: Garnish the plate with fresh fruit slices or berries. The natural sweetness of the fruit complements the chewiness of the mochinuts.
  • Sesame Seeds or Nuts: Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds or chopped nuts over the mochinuts to add a crunchy element, creating a dynamic texture profile.


  1. Consistency of Batter: Ensure that the batter has a smooth and consistent texture. This contributes to the uniformity of the mochinuts during frying.
  2. Oil Temperature: Maintain a stable oil temperature around 350°F (175°C). This helps achieve a golden-brown color on the mochinuts without them becoming too oily.
  3. Portion Control: Use a spoon or scoop to drop consistent portions of batter into the hot oil. This ensures even cooking and uniform-sized mochinuts.
  4. Mochiko Coating: Roll the mochinuts in mochiko while they are still warm. This not only adds a pleasant coating but also prevents sticking.
  5. Experiment with Flavors: Feel free to experiment with different flavors. Consider adding a dash of vanilla extract, matcha powder, or other extracts to customize the taste to your liking.
  6. Sweet Potato Variation: Try using different varieties of sweet potatoes for a nuanced flavor. Purple sweet potatoes can add both color and a slightly different taste.
  7. Serve Fresh: Mochinuts are best enjoyed fresh. Serve them soon after frying for the ultimate chewiness and flavor.
  8. Safety Precautions: When frying, be cautious of hot oil. Use a deep pan, and avoid overcrowding to prevent splattering. Always have a lid nearby to cover the pan in case of flare-ups.
  9. Storage: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container. While they are best enjoyed fresh, you can reheat them briefly in the oven to restore some of their initial texture.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you find yourself missing some ingredients for mochinuts, here are potential substitutes:

  1. Glutinous Rice Flour Substitute: Regular rice flour can be used, but keep in mind that it won't provide the same chewy texture. Mix it with a small amount of tapioca flour or cornstarch to enhance the stickiness.
  2. Sweet Potatoes: If you don't have sweet potatoes, you can experiment with mashed bananas or pumpkin puree. This will alter the flavor profile but still create a moist texture.
  3. Mochiko (Sweet Rice Flour) for Dusting: Cornstarch can be a substitute for dusting the mochinuts. It adds a similar powdery finish without affecting the taste significantly.
  4. Sugar: Adjust the sweetness to your preference or use alternative sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar. Keep in mind that the sweetness level may vary.
  5. Oil for Frying: Use a neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or canola oil. Ensure the oil is at the right temperature for frying.


Savor the joy of creating mochinuts! Embrace the fusion of textures and flavors in every bite. Your culinary journey continues – happy cooking!

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