Appachetty (Appam) Recipe

Unlock the magic of appachetty with our easy recipe. Crispy edges, soft center – your South Indian delight awaits! Try our appachetty recipe today.



  • Cuisine: Indian
  • Category: Breakfast, Dinner
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 20
  • Calories: 80 calories

Appachetty, a traditional South Indian culinary delight, is a versatile and popular dish known for its unique, thin, and lacy texture. This delectable creation is a type of pancake made from a fermented batter, showcasing the culinary artistry inherent in South Indian cuisine.

The preparation begins with soaking raw rice, grinding it with grated coconut and cooked rice, and fermenting the mixture overnight with a touch of yeast. The resulting batter attains a light, airy consistency, contributing to the distinct spongy texture of appams. The addition of salt enhances the flavor, creating a perfect balance in each bite.

The cooking process involves pouring a ladle of batter onto a specially designed appachetty pan. The pan's concave shape and non-stick surface allow the batter to spread thinly, resulting in a crispy edge and a soft, pillowy center. Appams as they're also called are typically served hot and are complemented by a variety of accompaniments, such as coconut milk or savory curries.

The versatility of appachetty makes it suitable for both breakfast and dinner, embodying the essence of comfort food. Its South Indian origin contributes to the rich cultural tapestry of the region, and the dish has gained popularity beyond its place of origin, enchanting taste buds worldwide.


Embark on a culinary adventure with our foolproof Appachetty recipe! Discover the secrets to perfect South Indian appams - crisp, lacy, and utterly irresistible. Let's cook!


  • 2 cups raw rice
  • 1/2 cup grated coconut
  • 1/4 cup cooked rice
  • 1/2 teaspoon yeast
  • Salt to taste

Method Instructions

  1. Soak the raw rice in water for about 4-6 hours.
  2. Grind the soaked rice, grated coconut, cooked rice, and yeast together to form a smooth batter. Add water if needed.
  3. Allow the batter to ferment overnight or for at least 8 hours.
  4. Add salt to the batter and mix well.
  5. Heat the appachetty pan and pour a ladle of batter in the center.
  6. Rotate the pan to spread the batter evenly in a circular shape.
  7. Cover and cook until the edges turn golden brown and the center is cooked.
  8. Serve hot with coconut milk or your favorite curry.

Recipe Video


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Recipe Tags: Appachetty, Appachetty Recipe, Recipe


Serving appachetty is a delightful experience that involves complementing its unique flavors and textures with various accompaniments. Here's a simple guide on how to serve appachetty:

  • Traditional Pairings: A classic choice, coconut milk adds a creamy and slightly sweet element that perfectly balances the appam's subtle tanginess. Appachetty pairs well with a range of stews and curries, such as vegetable stew, chicken curry, or egg curry. The spongy texture of the appam is ideal for soaking up the rich flavors of these accompaniments.
  • Condiments: Coconut chutney, tomato chutney, or mint chutney can be served alongside appachetty for an extra burst of flavor. Also, spicy or tangy pickles can add a zingy contrast to the mild taste of the appam.
  • Sweet Variations: Drizzle appachetty with warm jaggery syrup for a sweet twist. This is a delightful option for those who prefer a dessert-like experience.
  • Fresh Fruits: Bananas: Sliced bananas or other tropical fruits can be served with appachetty for a refreshing and healthy touch.
  • Experiment with Toppings: Sprinkle crushed nuts or seeds like cashews, almonds, or sesame seeds on top of appachetty for added texture.


  1. Fermentation Time: Allow the batter to ferment sufficiently. This not only enhances the flavor but also contributes to the characteristic texture of appachetty. Overnight fermentation or a minimum of 8 hours is ideal.
  2. Consistency Matters: Achieve a smooth and flowing consistency in the batter. The right texture ensures that the appams spread evenly on the pan, creating the desired lacy pattern.
  3. Appachetty Pan: Invest in a good-quality appachetty pan with a non-stick surface. The unique concave shape of the pan helps in creating the thin edges and soft center that define this dish.
  4. Cooking Temperature: Maintain a medium heat while cooking appams. Too high heat may result in uneven cooking, while too low heat may make them soggy. Find the right balance for that perfect golden-brown finish.
  5. Lid Usage: Covering the appachetty pan while cooking helps create a steamy environment, ensuring thorough cooking of the center and achieving the desired texture.
  6. Serve Immediately: Appachetty is best enjoyed fresh off the pan. Serve immediately to relish the contrast between the crisp edges and soft center.
  7. Accompaniments: Experiment with different accompaniments. While coconut milk and curries are classic choices, don't hesitate to try various chutneys, pickles, or even sweet toppings to suit your taste.
  8. Adjust Salt: Remember to add salt to the batter just before cooking. It not only seasons the appam but also aids in the fermentation process.
  9. Diverse Flours: For a twist, consider incorporating diverse flours like semolina or wheat flour. This can add an interesting texture and flavor to your appams.
  10. Practice Makes Perfect: If it's your first time making appachetty, don't be discouraged if the initial ones aren't perfect. Like any skill, practice improves the outcome.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you're looking to substitute some ingredients in the appachetty recipe, here are a few options:

  1. Raw Rice Substitute: You can use idli rice or parboiled rice as alternatives to raw rice. These varieties work well for fermentation and give a similar texture to the appams.
  2. Yeast Substitute: If you prefer a natural fermentation process without yeast, you can use a combination of fenugreek seeds (methi seeds) soaked along with the rice. This acts as a natural fermenting agent.
  3. Grated Coconut Substitute: If fresh coconut is not available, you can use desiccated coconut or coconut milk. Adjust the quantity to achieve the desired coconut flavor in the batter.
  4. Cooked Rice Substitute: Cooked rice adds a unique texture, but if you don't have it, you can skip it or substitute with rice flour. This won't provide the exact same texture but will still yield tasty appams.
  5. Salt Substitute: Use rock salt or sea salt as an alternative to regular table salt. Adjust the quantity according to your taste preferences.
  6. Coconut Milk Alternative: If you're serving appachetty with coconut milk and don't have it, you can use regular milk or any plant-based milk like almond or soy milk.
  7. Gluten-Free Option: For a gluten-free version, substitute the raw rice with a gluten-free alternative like brown rice or a mix of gluten-free flours like rice flour and chickpea flour.
  8. Sugar Addition: Some recipes include a small amount of sugar for a hint of sweetness. If you prefer, you can substitute with jaggery or omit it altogether.


Savor the authentic taste of South India with each bite of your homemade appachetty. May your kitchen be filled with the joy of culinary mastery! Enjoy!

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