Binalay Recipe

Discover the joy of crafting authentic Filipino sweetness with our tantalizing Binalay recipe! Dive into a symphony of flavors in every delightful bite. 🌿🍚 #FilipinoDesserts #BinalayRecipe



  • Cuisine: Filipino
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Yield: 10 pouches
  • Calories: 200 calories

Binalay is a delightful traditional Filipino rice cake that holds a special place in the country's culinary heritage. Prepared during festive occasions and celebrations, binalay captures the essence of Filipino flavors and textures.

The key ingredients in this delectable treat include glutinous rice flour, sugar, and coconut milk, which are expertly combined to form a smooth batter. This batter is then carefully encased in banana leaves, creating distinctive pouches that house the rich and aromatic goodness within.

The preparation of binalay involves a thoughtful process, from the selection of banana leaves, which are briefly heated over an open flame for flexibility, to the steaming of the pouches until the rice cake reaches a perfect, tender consistency.

Toppings such as grated coconut can be added to enhance the overall taste, contributing to the unique character of binalay.

Once steamed to perfection, the binalay pouches are allowed to cool before being served. The result is a delectable treat with a chewy texture and a harmonious blend of sweet and coconut flavors.

Binalay not only satisfies the sweet tooth but also serves as a cultural symbol, connecting Filipinos to their heritage through the joy of shared traditions and culinary craftsmanship.


Indulge in the rich flavors of Binalay with our easy-to-follow recipe. Unlock the secrets to this Filipino delicacy and savor every delectable moment!


  • 2 cups glutinous rice flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 Β½ cups coconut milk
  • Banana leaves (for wrapping)
  • Grated coconut (optional topping)

Method Instructions

  1. In a bowl, combine glutinous rice flour, sugar, and coconut milk. Mix until you achieve a smooth batter.
  2. Cut banana leaves into rectangular pieces and briefly pass them over an open flame for flexibility.
  3. Place a portion of the batter onto the center of a banana leaf. Add grated coconut if desired.
  4. Fold the banana leaf into a pouch, securing the edges with toothpicks or twine.
  5. Steam the pouches for approximately 30-40 minutes or until the rice cake is cooked.
  6. Allow the binalay to cool before serving.

Recipe Video


This is a video about Binalay.

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Recipe Tags: Binalay, Binalay Recipe, Recipe


To serve binalay, follow these steps:

  • Cooling: Allow the steamed binalay pouches to cool for a few minutes. This helps the rice cake set and makes it easier to handle.
  • Unwrap: Carefully remove the toothpicks or twine securing the banana leaves. Gently unfold the leaves, revealing the binalay inside.
  • Presentation: Place the unwrapped binalay on a serving plate or dish. You can arrange them individually or together for a communal presentation.
  • Toppings (Optional): If desired, sprinkle additional grated coconut on top of the binalay for added flavor and visual appeal.
  • Serving: Binalay can be enjoyed on its own as a delightful dessert or snack. It pairs well with hot tea or coffee for a more indulgent experience.

Enjoy the unique taste and texture of binalay as a delicious representation of Filipino culinary tradition.


  1. Banana Leaves: Ensure the banana leaves are pliable before using them to wrap the binalay. Briefly passing them over an open flame helps make them more flexible.
  2. Batter Consistency: Aim for a smooth and lump-free batter. Adjust the amount of coconut milk if needed to achieve the right consistency.
  3. Toppings: Get creative with toppings. In addition to grated coconut, you can add other toppings like sesame seeds or crushed peanuts for extra texture and flavor.
  4. Steaming Time: Steam the binalay pouches until they are thoroughly cooked. The exact time may vary, so check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center – it should come out clean when the binalay is ready.
  5. Cooling Time: Allow the binalay to cool before unwrapping and serving. This helps the rice cake set and enhances its texture.
  6. Variations: Feel free to experiment with the recipe. You can try different proportions of ingredients or even add flavorings like vanilla extract for a unique twist.
  7. Storage: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Re-steam briefly to enjoy them warm again.

Enjoy the process of making binalay, and don't hesitate to tailor the recipe to your taste preferences!

Ingredient Substitutes

If you need to substitute ingredients for the binalay recipe, here are some alternatives:

  1. Glutinous Rice Flour: Substitute with regular rice flour if glutinous rice flour is unavailable. Keep in mind that the texture may vary.
  2. Coconut Milk: You can use evaporated milk or almond milk as a substitute for coconut milk. This will alter the flavor slightly, so choose based on your preference.
  3. Sugar: Replace sugar with honey, agave syrup, or another sweetener of your choice. Adjust the quantity to achieve your desired level of sweetness.
  4. Banana Leaves: If banana leaves are hard to find, you can use parchment paper or aluminum foil as a substitute for wrapping the binalay. However, note that this might affect the traditional flavor imparted by banana leaves.
  5. Grated Coconut: If grated coconut is not available, shredded coconut or desiccated coconut can be used as alternatives. Toasting it before adding can enhance the flavor.


Embark on a culinary journey with Binalay, celebrating tradition in every mouthful. Share the joy, savor the sweetness, and keep the Filipino spirit alive in your kitchen. Happy cooking! 🌺🍴 #FilipinoCuisine #BinalayDelight

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