Kalamay Lansong Recipe

Discover the Sweet Secrets of Kalamay Lansong! Our delectable recipe and tips will transport your taste buds to the heart of Filipino cuisine. Dive in now!

Kalamay Lansong

    Kalamay Lansong

  • Cuisine: Filipino
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 14
  • Calories: 150 calories

Kalamay Lansong is a delightful Filipino dessert that combines the comforting sweetness of sticky rice with the rich, creamy flavor of coconut milk. This traditional treat is loved for its chewy and gooey texture, making it a favorite at special occasions and family gatherings throughout the Philippines.

The name "Kalamay Lansong" is derived from its two main components. "Kalamay" refers to the sticky rice base, while "Lansong" is Filipino for roasted sesame seeds, which are generously sprinkled on top. The rice is cooked with coconut milk and brown sugar, resulting in a luscious, caramelized sweetness that's characteristic of many Filipino desserts.

Preparing Kalamay Lansong is a labor of love, with a process that involves cooking and continuously stirring the rice until it reaches the desired consistency. Once the mixture thickens and becomes glossy, it's spread onto banana leaves, topped with roasted sesame seeds, and left to set. The banana leaves not only add a unique aroma but also serve as a traditional method of storage and presentation.

This delectable treat captures the essence of Filipino cuisine, with its harmonious blend of sweet, nutty, and creamy flavors. Whether enjoyed as a snack or dessert, Kalamay Lansong is a beloved Filipino classic that brings families together and offers a taste of the Philippines' rich culinary heritage.


Indulge in the Authentic Flavors of Kalamay Lansong! Explore our step-by-step recipe for this Filipino delight. A taste of tradition awaits.


  • 2 cups glutinous rice (also known as sticky rice)
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup roasted sesame seeds
  • Banana leaves (for lining the container)

Method Instructions

  1. If you're using fresh banana leaves, wilt them briefly over an open flame to make them pliable.
  2. Cut them into rectangles and wipe them clean.
  3. Line your container or mold with the banana leaves, leaving some overhang for easy removal later.
  4. Rinse the glutinous rice in cold water until the water runs clear.
  5. Soak the rice in water for about 30 minutes, then drain.
  6. In a large pan, combine the drained glutinous rice and coconut milk.
  7. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and the rice becomes sticky and translucent. This can take about 15-20 minutes.
  8. Gradually add the brown sugar while continuously stirring.
  9. Keep cooking and stirring until the mixture thickens further and becomes shiny, about 10-15 minutes more.
  10. Pour the sticky rice mixture into the banana leaf-lined container. Use a spatula or the back of a spoon to flatten and smooth the surface.
  11. Sprinkle the roasted sesame seeds evenly over the top of the Kalamay.
  12. Allow the Kalamay Lansong to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours or overnight to set.
  13. Once set, remove the Kalamay Lansong from the container using the banana leaves as handles.
  14. Slice it into squares or rectangles and serve.

Enjoy your homemade Kalamay Lansong! It's a delightful Filipino treat with a sweet, coconutty flavor and a nice crunch from the sesame seeds on top.

Recipe Video

Kalamay Lansong

This is a video about Kalamay Lansong.

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Recipe Tags: Kalamay Lansong, Kalamay Lansong Recipe, Recipe


Serving Kalamay Lansong is a simple and delightful process. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Slice into Portions: Use a sharp knife or a spatula to carefully cut the set Kalamay Lansong into squares or rectangles. The size of the portions can vary depending on your preference, but a typical serving size is about 2x2 inches.
  2. Arrange on a Plate: Place the sliced Kalamay Lansong on a serving plate or platter. Make sure to leave some space between the pieces for easy serving.
  3. Garnish: If desired, you can garnish the top of the Kalamay Lansong with a few extra roasted sesame seeds. This not only adds flavor but also enhances the presentation.
  4. Serve: Kalamay Lansong is traditionally served at room temperature or slightly chilled. It's a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with a hot beverage like coffee or tea.
  5. Enjoy: Invite your family and friends to savor this Filipino delicacy together. The combination of sticky rice, coconut, and caramelized sugar is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Note: Kalamay Lansong is quite sticky, so it's a good idea to have some small plates or napkins available for your guests to use while enjoying this sweet treat. Enjoy your homemade Kalamay Lansong!


  1. Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality glutinous rice, fresh coconut milk (if available), and good-quality brown sugar. The quality of these ingredients can significantly impact the taste of your Kalamay.
  2. Stirring Constantly: When cooking the rice and coconut milk mixture, it's crucial to stir it constantly to prevent sticking or burning. This ensures even cooking and a smooth texture.
  3. Banana Leaves: If using fresh banana leaves, make sure to wilt them over an open flame briefly to make them more pliable. They not only add flavor but also make for an authentic presentation.
  4. Roasting Sesame Seeds: Roast the sesame seeds until they turn golden brown and release a nutty aroma. This enhances their flavor and adds a pleasant crunch to your Kalamay.
  5. Container Size: Choose a container or mold that allows you to spread the Kalamay mixture to your desired thickness. Smaller containers will result in thicker slices, while larger ones will yield thinner pieces.
  6. Cooling and Setting: Allow your Kalamay Lansong to cool to room temperature before refrigerating it. This helps it set properly and makes it easier to slice into portions.
  7. Storage: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Kalamay Lansong can last for a few days when properly stored.
  8. Experiment: While the classic recipe is wonderful, don't hesitate to experiment with flavors. You can add a pinch of salt for balance, or try different types of sweeteners for a unique twist.
  9. Presentation: To make your Kalamay Lansong more visually appealing, you can sprinkle a few extra sesame seeds on top just before serving, or even drizzle some coconut cream for added richness.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you're looking to make Kalamay Lansong and need ingredient substitutes, I have some suggestions for you:

  1. Glutinous Rice Substitute: While there's no direct substitute for glutinous rice in terms of its sticky texture, you can use short-grain or sushi rice as an alternative. It won't be as sticky, but it can work.
  2. Coconut Milk Substitute: If fresh coconut milk is not available, you can use canned coconut milk or coconut cream as a substitute. Dilute it with a bit of water if it's too thick.
  3. Brown Sugar Substitute: You can replace brown sugar with white sugar if needed. Keep in mind that this will affect the flavor and color slightly.
  4. Banana Leaves Substitute: If you can't find banana leaves, you can use parchment paper as a substitute for lining the container. It won't impart the same aroma but will serve the purpose of preventing sticking.
  5. Sesame Seeds Substitute: If you don't have roasted sesame seeds, you can use toasted nuts like chopped peanuts or cashews as a substitute. This will give your Kalamay Lansong a different texture and flavor but can be equally delicious.
  6. Vegan or Dairy-Free Substitutes: For a vegan or dairy-free version, use a plant-based milk substitute like coconut milk or almond milk instead of dairy-based milk.
  7. Sweeteners: If you prefer different sweeteners, you can experiment with alternatives like palm sugar, honey, or maple syrup. Just adjust the quantity to taste.


Get ready to impress your guests with your newfound Kalamay Lansong mastery. Embrace the rich culture and flavors of the Philippines, one bite at a time!

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