Banh Khoai Mi Nuong Recipe

Master the art of Banh Khoai Mi Nuong with our authentic Vietnamese recipe. Create this sweet delight at home with step-by-step instructions.

Banh Khoai Mi Nuong

    Banh Khoai Mi Nuong

  • Cuisine: Vietnamese
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 14
  • Calories: 150 calories

Banh Khoai Mi Nuong, also known as Vietnamese Cassava Cake, is a delightful and popular dessert or snack in Vietnamese cuisine. This sweet treat is beloved for its rich, tropical flavors and slightly chewy texture.

The main ingredient is cassava, a starchy root vegetable, which is grated and blended with a mixture of sugar, coconut milk, eggs, and a hint of vanilla. This creates a creamy and fragrant batter that is poured into a baking dish and baked until it forms a golden-brown crust. The final product is a harmonious blend of sweet and savory, with the natural sweetness of cassava complemented by the creamy richness of coconut milk.

Banh Khoai Mi Nuong is often enjoyed on various occasions, from family gatherings to special celebrations. Its versatility makes it a favorite choice for dessert or a quick snack in Vietnamese households. The dessert can be served warm or at room temperature and is sometimes sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds for an added layer of flavor and a delightful crunch. It's a taste of Vietnam that beautifully combines tradition, simplicity, and a touch of the exotic.


Discover the Irresistible Delight of Banh Khoai Mi Nuong - A Taste of Vietnam's Sweet & Savory Magic! Your Ultimate Recipe & Guide Awaits.


  • 500g cassava (yuca), peeled and grated
  • 200g sugar
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 50g melted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt
  • Some toasted sesame seeds for topping

Method Instructions

  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the grated cassava, sugar, coconut milk, eggs, melted butter, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Mix everything together until well combined.
  3. Pour the cassava mixture into a greased baking dish or tray.
  4. Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for about 45-50 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the cake is set.
  5. About 5-10 minutes before it's done, you can sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on top for extra flavor and texture.
  6. Once done, remove the cake from the oven and let it cool. You can cut it into squares or your preferred shapes.
  7. Serve your Banh Khoai Mi Nuong as a delicious dessert or snack.

Recipe Video

Banh Khoai Mi Nuong

This is a video about Banh Khoai Mi Nuong.

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Recipe Tags: Banh Khoai Mi Nuong, Banh Khoai Mi Nuong Recipe, Recipe


Banh Khoai Mi Nuong can be served in a few different ways, depending on your preference:

  1. Warm: Serve it warm straight from the oven if you prefer a soft and gooey texture. It's especially comforting when it's still a bit hot.
  2. Room Temperature: Allowing it to cool to room temperature is a common way to serve Banh Khoai Mi Nuong. This is when it has a slightly firmer texture.
  3. Chilled: You can refrigerate the cake and serve it cold. Chilled Banh Khoai Mi Nuong has a denser, fudgy consistency and can be quite refreshing on a hot day.
  4. Toppings: Some people like to add a drizzle of sweetened condensed milk or a sprinkle of powdered sugar for extra sweetness. You can also add a dollop of whipped cream for a more decadent presentation.
  5. Cut into Pieces: Cut the cake into squares, rectangles, or your preferred shapes before serving. The size of the pieces is up to you, but smaller servings are great for snacking, while larger portions make a satisfying dessert.


  1. Cassava Preparation: Make sure to peel and grate the cassava finely. You can use a box grater or a food processor for this. It's important to remove any tough fibers from the cassava to ensure a smooth texture in your cake.
  2. Consistency of Batter: When mixing the ingredients, aim for a smooth and even batter. Ensure that the sugar is well dissolved and that there are no lumps in the mixture.
  3. Coconut Milk: Use quality coconut milk for the best flavor. You can use canned coconut milk or fresh coconut milk, but make sure it's well mixed before measuring.
  4. Vanilla Extract: If you have access to it, use pure vanilla extract for a more authentic flavor. It adds a lovely aroma to the cake.
  5. Greasing the Baking Dish: Grease your baking dish or tray well to prevent the cake from sticking. You can use butter or cooking spray for this.
  6. Even Thickness: Spread the batter evenly in the baking dish to ensure that the cake cooks uniformly. This helps in achieving a consistent texture.
  7. Check for Doneness: The cake is done when it has a golden-brown top and is set. Use a toothpick or a knife to insert into the center. If it comes out clean, it's ready.
  8. Cooling Time: Allow the cake to cool before cutting it into pieces. This helps it to set and makes it easier to handle.
  9. Serving Suggestions: Serve with a cup of Vietnamese coffee or tea for a delightful pairing. You can also add some crushed roasted peanuts or sesame seeds for extra texture and flavor.
  10. Storage: Store any leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator. It can be reheated or enjoyed cold.

Ingredient Substitutes

While I recommend using the traditional ingredients for Banh Khoai Mi Nuong, you can make some substitutions if you're unable to find certain items or have dietary restrictions. Here are some ingredient substitutes:

  1. Cassava: If you can't find cassava, you can substitute with sweet potatoes or yams. The texture and flavor will be different, but it can still make a tasty dessert.
  2. Coconut Milk: If you don't have coconut milk, you can use regular milk or almond milk as a substitute. Keep in mind that this will alter the traditional coconut flavor.
  3. Eggs: You can replace eggs with egg substitutes, such as applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt, or commercial egg replacers for a vegan version.
  4. Vanilla Extract: If you're out of vanilla extract, try using almond extract or skip it altogether. It's not a critical component of the recipe.
  5. Melted Butter: Substitute melted butter with melted margarine or a neutral vegetable oil like canola oil.
  6. Sugar: You can use brown sugar or coconut sugar instead of granulated sugar for a slightly different flavor.


As you savor your homemade Banh Khoai Mi Nuong, you've embarked on a culinary journey through Vietnam's flavors. Share this delightful recipe with friends and family, keeping the tradition alive.

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