Paklay Recipe

Indulge in Authentic Filipino Flavors: Try Our Paklay Recipe - A Spicy, Tangy Delight with Pork Organs. Explore This Unique Dish Today!



  • Cuisine: Filipino
  • Category: Main Dish
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 6
  • Calories: 300 calories

Paklay is a unique and flavorful Filipino dish that showcases the culinary creativity of the Philippines. It's a dish that may not be for the faint of heart, as it features a combination of organ meats, particularly pork liver, heart, and kidney. These ingredients are cooked in a tangy and savory sauce, resulting in a distinctive taste that many Filipinos savor.

The preparation of Paklay begins with the thorough cleaning of the organ meats and soaking them in vinegar. This step not only cleanses the organs but also helps to reduce their strong odor. Once cleaned, the organs are sliced into strips and cooked with garlic and onions, infusing the dish with a fragrant aroma.

What truly sets Paklay apart is its bold and intense flavors. The use of vinegar imparts a tangy kick, while the combination of organ meats offers a range of textures and tastes. The addition of bay leaves and chili peppers enhances the overall profile of the dish, giving it a subtle spiciness and earthy undertones.

Paklay is often enjoyed as a hearty and filling meal, usually served with steamed rice to balance the rich and intense flavors. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea due to its organ meat components, for those who appreciate it, Paklay is a cherished Filipino comfort food that embodies the country's diverse culinary heritage.

It is simply a testament to Filipino cuisine's ability to turn humble ingredients into a delightful and unforgettable dining experience.


Discover the Bold Flavors of Filipino Cuisine with Our Paklay Recipe - A Fiery, Tangy Delight for Adventurous Palates!Discover the Bold Flavors of Filipino Cuisine with Our Paklay Recipe - A Fiery, Tangy Delight for Adventurous Palates!


  • 500g pork liver, sliced into strips
  • 500g pork heart, sliced into strips
  • 500g pork kidney, sliced into strips
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 1 head garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3-4 pieces dried bay leaves
  • 2-3 pieces red or green chili peppers (siling labuyo)
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Method Instructions

  1. Start by cleaning the pork liver, heart, and kidney thoroughly. Remove any membranes and excess fat.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the cleaned organs and vinegar. Let them soak for at least 30 minutes. This step helps remove the strong odor of the organs.
  3. After soaking, drain the organs and set them aside.
  4. Heat the cooking oil in a large pan or wok over medium heat.
  5. Add the minced garlic and chopped onion. Sauté until the onion becomes translucent and the garlic is fragrant.
  6. Add the pork liver, heart, and kidney to the pan. Cook them for about 10 minutes or until they are no longer pink.
  7. Add the dried bay leaves and chili peppers to the pan. Stir well to incorporate the flavors.
  8. Season the dish with salt and pepper according to your taste. Be cautious with the salt, as the vinegar already adds a tangy flavor.
  9. Continue to cook for another 10-15 minutes or until the organs are tender. You can add a bit of water if the mixture becomes too dry.
  10. Once the organs are tender and the flavors have melded together, remove the bay leaves.
  11. Serve your Paklay hot with steamed rice.

Recipe Video


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Recipe Tags: Paklay, Paklay Recipe, Recipe


Serving Paklay is a straightforward process, and it's typically enjoyed as a main dish in Filipino cuisine. Let me help on how you can serve Paklay. Follow up:

  1. With Steamed Rice: Paklay is traditionally served with a generous portion of steamed white rice. The rice helps balance the strong and rich flavors of the dish, providing a neutral base that complements the tangy and savory sauce.
  2. As a Main Course: Place a serving of Paklay on a plate or in a shallow bowl. Ensure that you include a variety of the organ meats in each serving to offer a mix of textures and flavors.
  3. Garnish: You can garnish Paklay with some chopped fresh herbs, such as cilantro or parsley, for a touch of freshness and color.
  4. Accompaniments: Some people like to serve Paklay with additional condiments like fish sauce (patis) or soy sauce with calamansi (a type of citrus fruit) for those who prefer a bit more seasoning or acidity. Sliced fresh chili peppers can also be served on the side for those who want extra heat.
  5. Enjoy Hot: Paklay is best enjoyed while it's still hot and fresh from the stove. The combination of flavors and textures is most pronounced when the dish is served immediately.

Paklay is known for its bold and distinctive flavors, particularly from the organ meats and vinegar-based sauce. It's a dish that may take some getting used to for those not familiar with organ meats, but for many, it's a beloved and comforting Filipino specialty.


  1. Safety First: When handling organ meats like liver, heart, and kidney, make sure to follow proper food safety guidelines. Clean and cook them thoroughly to ensure they are safe to eat.
  2. Soaking Time: Don't skip the step of soaking the organ meats in vinegar. This not only helps remove the strong odor but also adds a unique tangy flavor to the dish.
  3. Balance Flavors: Taste as you go when adding salt and pepper. The vinegar in the dish provides acidity, so be cautious with the salt to avoid over-seasoning.
  4. Variations: While this recipe focuses on pork organs, Paklay can also be made with other meats like beef or goat. Feel free to experiment with different cuts of meat for your preference.
  5. Garnishes: Consider garnishing your Paklay with fresh herbs like cilantro, green onions, or parsley to add a pop of color and freshness to the dish.
  6. Serving Size: Keep in mind that Paklay is a rich and hearty dish. Adjust the serving size based on your appetite and the number of people you're serving.
  7. Accompaniments: Serve Paklay with steamed rice, as is traditional in Filipino cuisine. You can also offer condiments like fish sauce, soy sauce with calamansi, or extra chili peppers on the side for customization.
  8. Leftovers: Paklay can be reheated and enjoyed as leftovers, and some even find that the flavors become more pronounced the next day.
  9. Exploring Filipino Cuisine: If you're new to Filipino cuisine, Paklay is just one of many delicious dishes to discover. Consider exploring other Filipino recipes to expand your culinary horizons.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you're looking to make Paklay but need ingredient substitutes for some of the more unique components, here are a few suggestions for you:

  1. Organ Meat Substitutes: If you're not a fan of or cannot find pork liver, heart, or kidney, you can use other meats like pork belly, pork shoulder, or even chicken as substitutes. While it won't be traditional Paklay, it will still result in a flavorful dish.
  2. Vinegar Substitute: The vinegar is a key component of the dish. If you don't have vinegar or prefer a milder acidity, you can use lemon or calamansi juice as a substitute. Just keep in mind that the flavor profile will be slightly different.
  3. Chili Pepper Substitutes: If you don't have access to the traditional Filipino chili peppers (siling labuyo), you can use other chili varieties like Thai bird's eye chili or jalapeños. Adjust the quantity based on your spice preference.
  4. Herb Substitutes: If you don't have fresh cilantro or parsley for garnish, you can omit the herbs or use dried herbs sparingly. They won't provide the same freshness but can still add flavor.
  5. Oil: Any cooking oil like vegetable oil, canola oil, or peanut oil can be used in place of the specified cooking oil.
  6. Seasonings: Feel free to adjust the seasonings to your taste. You can use other spices or herbs you have on hand to customize the flavor profile.
  7. Soy Sauce: While not a traditional ingredient in Paklay, some variations include a touch of soy sauce for added depth of flavor. If you like, you can add a small amount to the dish.


In conclusion, Paklay is a testament to Filipino culinary creativity. Its bold flavors and unique ingredients make it a true delicacy worth exploring. Whether you're a fan of organ meats or seeking a culinary adventure, this dish offers a vibrant taste of Filipino cuisine. Don't hesitate to embrace its fiery, tangy allure and savor the rich traditions it represents. Share this delightful recipe with friends and family, and let Paklay become a memorable addition to your culinary repertoire. Happy cooking!

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